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Getting Pregnant

We should be in awe and be filled with a divine joy at the mere thought of a new child being brought into this world.
It is the paint the hand of God “galvanizing” the womb of the pregnant woman (as I called it). It was a luminous yellow, exuding strength and wisdom. I wasn’t necessarily raised pro-life, and I don’t think “pro-life” was even part of my vocabulary, but instinctually, or perhaps by the grace of the Holy Spirit, I knew that the budding life inside of a mother’s body was directly connected to, and dependent upon, the hand of Almighty God. The painting testified to the power and energy that the Creator gives to an unborn child, sheltered within its mother.
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Baby Birth

Childbirth is also known as labour and delivery. is the ending of a pregnancy bu one or more babies leaving a women’s uterus by vaginal passage of Caesarean section.

The most commonly way of childbirth is a vaginal delievery. It envolves three stages of labour: the shortening and opening of the cervix, descent and birth of the baby, and the dielvery of the placenta. The first stage typically lasts twelve to nineteen hours, the second stage twenty minutes to two hours, and the third stage five to thirty minutes.
Most babies born head first, however about 4% are born feet or buttock first, known as breech.
Each year, complications from pregnancy and childbirth result in about 500,000 maternal deaths, 7 million women have serious long term problems, and 50 million women have negative healt outcomes following delivery.


Your First Scan

If your pregnancy is going well, your first ultrasound scan will be your dating scan, between 10 weeks and 14 weeks of pregnancy. An early scan is offered from six weeks, so before your dating scan, Many hospitals have early pregnancy assessment units that run daily.

  • Pregnancy Care
  • NICU Facilities
  • Trisemester Care
  • Maternal Practise
  • Things to Know
  • Are you Pregnant?
  • Symptom Checker
  • About Lab Tests you need
  • Medical Treatment
  • About Getting Emergency

About Surrogate Mothers

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Taking Care of your Child

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About Surrogate Mothers

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Taking Care of your Child

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The arrival of your baby lights up your home. But when it comes to caring for your new born, you may be caught unaware, as your baby come with a “handle me with care” tag that you may not be able to fully understand.

  • Pregnancy Care
  • NICU Facilities
  • Trisemester Care
  • Maternal Practise
  • Things to Know
  • Are you Pregnant?
  • Symptom Checker
  • About Lab Tests you need
  • Medical Treatment
  • About Getting Emergency


Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP). This is just over nine months, where each month averages 29½ days.When measured from fertilization it is about 38 weeks.

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Feeding Baby

Some moms find breastfeeding easier and quicker than formula feeding — it needs no preparation and you don’t run out of breast milk in the middle of the night. Also, breastfeeding costs little. Nursing mothers do need to eat more and may want to buy nursing bras and pads, a breast pump, or other equipment. But these expenses are generally less than the cost of formula.

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Trimester Chart

  • 4

    Things to Know

    At 4 weeks pregnant, baby is smaller than a poppy seed—practically microscopic. Baby is now known as a blastocyst, a teeny ball of cells, and is busy settling into his or her new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development that will happen over the next six weeks.

  • 9

    Fetal Development

    Baby is the size of a cherry at 9 weeks pregnant. At 9 weeks, you’re two months pregnant. This week, you and baby have made two big accomplishments: You’ve made it to month three, and baby's no longer an embryo—now baby's a fetus.

  • 13

    Baby Movement

    Around week 13 of pregnancy, many parents-to-be start spreading the word that there’s a baby on the way. But know that there are no hard-and-fast rules about when you should divulge your secret. It could be after your next prenatal appointment, once you start showing, or at a big family event where everyone will be gathered..

1st Trismester

0.4kg - 2.0kg
  • 18

    Pregnancy Health

    Weight gain at 18 weeks pregnant is recommended to be about 1 to 2 pounds per week for women of average BMI, whether you’re having one baby or you’re 18 weeks pregnant with twins. Let your doctor know if you have any concerns with your weight gain so far. Drastic or sudden weight gain or weight loss could be signs of a problem.

  • 22

    Pregnancy Comfort

    Hey, as baby grows, he or she may be expanding your belly so much (so fast) at week 22 of pregnancy that you might start to get some stretch marks (sorry)—and you might even have a newfound “outtie”! While you might not love all these side effects, you’ll probably want to capture your pregnant belly in some professional photos.

  • 27

    Yoga & Exercise

    You’re probably feeling a ton of kicks inside that 27 weeks pregnant belly. You may even feel tiny hiccups, which are like patterns of little twitches.If you notice any pregnancy symptoms that are out of the ordinary—such as bleeding, watery discharge, abdominal pains, or consistent, repeated contractions, tell your OB right away.

2nd Trismester

2.0kg - 8.0kg
  • 31

    Healthy Sleep

    By 31 weeks pregnant you’ve probably gained about 21 to 27 pounds. Your week 31 fetus is going through major brain and nerve development. His or her eyes are developing too—the irises can now react to light! All five of baby’s senses are in working order.

  • 36

    Relax with Music

    Continue checking in on baby by doing kick counts. Set a timer and see how much time it takes baby to move ten times. (It should be an hour or less.) Then check back each day to make sure the approximate time is pretty similar. Let your doctor know about any notable changes.

  • 40

    Lower Anxiety

    Now that you’ve reached your due date, your doctor might talk to you about inducing labor medically. Whether or not this is necessary will have to do with how baby’s doing in there. Call your doctor right away if you have contractions that are more than a little uncomfortable or keep coming at regular intervals.

*units in weeks

3rd Trismester

8.0kg - 13.6kg

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